Steps needed.
- Create a New Rest SOAPUI project.
- Import the WADL to create the REST project.
- If the REST project does not have a WADL file, it can be created easily by typing the REST url with ending application.wadl under the context of REST
- http://host/project/context/application.wadl
- This will generate the WADL file required for SOAPUI.
- Create a TestSuite.
- Write the Groovy script in the setup portion of the Testcase.
- If the Groovy file needs an external library or your application class jar that file and add them under the /bin/ext folder in SOAPUI home folder. Otherwise you will get the classnot found error during exception.
- Create a property file if you want a dynamic variable change during your request.
- Create the REST request as the test case
- Now change the Request file to add the properties.
- Run the Testsuite.