BMP and CMB 1. Methods in EJB 2. EJB life cycle
Stateless session bean life cycle
Life cycle means when an EJBean is created and removed by EJB Container, and when the Container calls methods of EJBean. The following figure illustrates the life cycle of Stateless session bean.
You can control life cycle by mentioning instance pool size in vendor specific deployment descriptor. For example weblogic server's weblogic-ejb-jar.xml has element for instance pool size
and JBoss server's jboss.xml has an element
When the server starts up, the EJB Container/Server creates 50 beans using Class.newInstance() method and puts it in the pool and it calls the following call back methods of the bean.
setSessionContext(ctx) and
ejbCreate() methods
these 50 beans are ready to be accessed by 50 clients concurrently. If the client accesses exceed 50 then the Container creates beans and calls the above methods till the number of beans is equal to 100 (maximum beans in the pool). So at any time the Container can only have a maximum of 100 beans to serve clients. What will happen if the concurrent clients are more than 100? Then the container puts clients in the queue. We will discuss about this in the next section on how you can tune the pool size.
The Container removes the beans from the pool if the number of clients accessing beans are less. When the Container removes the beans depending on its specific algorithms ( perhaps LRU, Least Recently Used). At this time Container calls ejbRemove() method of the bean.
If the client calls the home.create() method, the Container creates EJBObject and assigns existing bean from the pool to the the client, at this time client neither creates a bean nor calls ejbCreate() method because it is already called when it created and is put in the pool. In the same manner, if the client calls home.remove() / remote.remove() method, the Container removes EJBObject and deassigns the bean from the client and puts it back to the pool but does not remove from the pool. In Stateless session bean life cycle, Client does not have control over bean's life cycle and bean's call back methods, it does not know when the creation, destruction and call back methods occur. So In Stateless session beans the creation, destruction and call back methods depend upon the pool size, clients concurrent access and Container algorithms.
As the name implies, a Stateless session bean does not maintain any state ( instance variables values) across methods, that is the reason why ejbActivate() and ejbPassivate() methods do not have significance in Stateless session bean. So the Container can assign different beans from the pool to the client for successive methods.
With this discussion, we understand the importance of pool size and when the call back methods are executed in Stateless session beans. Now let us discuss how we can tune Stateless session beans.
Tune Stateless session beans instance pool size
The creation and destruction of beans is expensive. To reduce this cost, The EJB Container/Server creates pool of beans that depending upon vendor specific configuration, you need to give a proper value for this pool size to increase performance. As we discussed above, configure pool size, for example weblogic's weblogic-ejb-jar.xml has an element
The number of maximum beans in pool impacts performance. If this is less, then the Container has to put the clients in the queue when the number of clients accessing is more than the maximum pool size. This degrades the performance and clients take more time to execute. For best performance, give maximum beans as equal to number of maximum clients accesses.
Stateful session bean life cycle
The life cycle of Stateful and Stateless bean is differs. The reason is, Stateful session bean has to maintain state (instance variables values) across the methods for a client. That means once a client assigns values for instance variables using one method, those values are available for other methods also. The following figure illustrates the life cycle of Stateful session bean.
Figure7: Stateful session bean life cycle
Here you see the instance cache instead of instance pool. Cache maintains beans that have state (Stateful) whereas pool maintains beans that don't have state (Stateless). You can control life cycle by describing instance cache size in vendor specific deployment descriptor file. For example weblogic's weblogic-ejb-jar.xml has element for instance cache size
and JBoss server's jboss.xml has an element
For detailed information, look at their documentation and for other servers look at vendors documentation for instance cache configuration.
Here you can specify minimum beans and maximum beans in cache. Some vendors such as weblogic do not support configuring minimum beans but support configuring maximum beans. So look at your vendor documentation for detailed information on what your EJB Container/server supports.
Here life cycle of stateful session bean starts when the client calls create() method. When the the client calls create() method, the Container creates the bean using Class.newInstance() and calls
setSessionContext(ctx) and
ejbCreate() methods
and puts it in the instance cache. Then onwards, the client is assigned to that bean till client calls remove() method, thus container calls ejbRemove() and destroys the bean. In Stateful session bean, the client controls life cycle ( creation and removal but not activation and passivation). So when does container call ejbActivate() and ejbPassivate() methods? For example, if you set maximum beans in cache as 100 beans, when clients are accessing a bean concurrently, container creates beans till 100 (maximum bean limit) and assigns those beans to clients. After this limit, if the 101st client accesses this bean, Container passivates some of the idle beans that depending on Container algorithms. Just before passivating beans, it calls ejbPassivate() method. Here passivation means, it stores the bean's state (instance variables values) in the secondary storage (file storage or database). The passivation happens through Serialization. Later if the the idle client accesses the bean again, then Container activates the bean and reassigns the passivated values to its instance variables and calls ejbActivate() method.
Here what we understand is that client controls creation and destruction of beans but not activation and passivation. Activation and passivation are controlled by Container and depend on instance cache size.
With this discussion, we understand the importance of instance cache size and when the call back methods are executed in Stateful session beans. Now let us discuss how we can tune Stateful session beans.
Tune Stateful session beans instance cache size
As discussed above, You control activation and passivation indirectly by describing instance cache size in vendor specific deployment descriptor file . Activation and passivation is expensive because of serialization process. If the instance cache size is less and concurrent active clients are more than instance cache size then activation and passivation occur often, thus degrading performance. So in order to increase performance, give optimal cache size.
Set optimal bean age for Stateful session beans
The removal of EJBean instance by the Container from the instance cache depends not only on when the client calls remove() method but also on EJBean time out value (bean age) that you can configure in the vendor specific descriptor file. If the beans time out value is less, the Container needs to remove and create often,which is expensive. So set optimal bean age to minimise removal and creation process.
The life cycle of Entity beans is a combination of Stateless and Stateful bean life cycles. There is slight difference between Container managed persistence (CMP) and Bean managed persistence (BMP) entity bean's life cycle that is negligible. So here we will discuss a generalized life cycle that applies to both.
The following figure illustrates the life cycle of Entity beans.
Figure7: Entity session bean life cycle
Here you see both instance pool and instance cache. instance pool maintains entity beans without state data and instance cache maintains entity beans with state data.
You can control life cycle in Entity beans by mentioning instance pool size and instance cache size in vendor specific deployment descriptor. For example weblogic's weblogic-ejb-jar.xml has element for instance pool size,
and instance cache size
and in JBoss, jboss.xml has an element
and for instance cache size
If you mention 50 beans as initial beans and 100 beans as maximum beans for instance pool, 50 (min) and 100(max) for instance cache, life cycle starts when the server starts up.
When the server starts up, First, the EJB Container/Server creates 50 beans using Class.newInstance() method and puts them in the pool and it calls setEntityContext() method on each bean. The Container can remove beans from the pool depending on clients accesses and idle time of beans in the pool. When it removes the bean from the pool it calls unSetEntityContext() method on the bean.
Next, When the client calls the create() method, the Container calls corresponding ejbCreate() method on one of the beans in the instance pool and creates a row in the database and populates the values to the variables and puts it in the instance cache after returning primary key. At this stage an EJBObject is assigned to the client that communicates to the bean in the instance cache. Next, the Container calls ejbPostCreate() method. At this stage, the bean is moved from pool to cache and is ready to serve clients business methods.
Next, When the client calls the business method, the Container calls ejbLoad() that updates the beans state, executes the business method, and calls ejbStore() method to store the data in the database. If the concurrent active clients are more than cache size then the container passivates a bean and calls ejbStore(), ejbPassivate() methods and puts it back in the instance pool. If the idle client calls again after some time, container calls ejbLoad() to get latest data, and calls ejbActivate() method and puts it in the instance cache.
Next, If the client calls remove() method, the Container calls ejbRemove() method that removes the data from the database and puts the bean back in the instance pool from instance cache.
With this discussion, we understand that
1. Client controls life cycle of a bean that involves creation of data in the database thus moving the bean from pool to the cache and removal of data from the database thus moving the bean from cache to the pool.
2. Container controls the life cycle in the pool and cache and also activation and passivation process in the cache.
3. Both client and container control ejbLoad() and ejbStore() methods depending upon client's method calls and Container activation and passivation process.
Finally the overall life cycle depends upon clients concurrent operations, instance pool size and instance cache size.
Now let us discuss how we can tune Entity beans.
Tune Entity beans instance pool size
As per Entity bean life cycle discussion, we understand that we can control creation and destruction of beans by describing pool size(min and max) in vendor specific deployment descriptor (or other vendor specific manner). If this size is less (if your default size is less or you configure a smaller size) then the Container has to put the clients in the queue when the number of concurrent clients accessing ( create/finder/home methods) are more than the max pool size. And also instance cache depends up on instance pool because the instance cache needs to get beans from the instance pool. So if the pool size is less, It degrades the performance and clients take more time to execute. For best performance, give maximum beans in pool as equal to number of maximum concurrent client accesses (create/finder/home methods), so that it reduces creation and destruction of beans.
You can configure your pool size in vendor specific deployment descriptor ( or other vendor specific manner). In the above Entity bean life cycle section, We discussed how to configure this pool size in Weblogic and JBoss servers.
4. Different EJB's 5. How to do lookup.
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