I am trying to add up what I learned so far on the Solr. Lucene : Is the search engine Solr : The Search Server. Solr / Lucene Terms. Facet --- The data that have to be breakdown. example: manufacturer FacetField -- This will contain the facet data SolrDocument -- This will contain one solr search data. setFacetMinCount -- This will limit returning search data with the minimum count of hit.A sample Query using SolrJ
List facetFieldList=qr.getFacetFields();
for(FacetField facetField: facetFieldList){
System.out.println(facetField.toString() +"Manufactures");
And it returns
[manu:[dell (5), inc (5), corp (1), sharp (1), sonic (1), view (1), viewson (1), vizo (1)]]
Notice here it will return only manufactures with facet count 1 and above.
Solr Price Range:
Querying price range need little special skill in solr, I am still exploring different option of querying. The search querys are case sensitive, if you put 'To' instead of 'TO' solr will throw invalid syntax error.
query.addFacetQuery("price:[* TO 500]");
query.addFacetQuery("price:[500 TO 1000]");
query.addFacetQuery("price:[1000 TO *]");
HashMap priceRangeMap = (HashMap) qr.getFacetQuery();
Iterator priceRageIter=priceRangeMap.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry)priceRageIter.next();
System.out.println(pairs.getKey() + " -- found -- " + pairs.getValue());
And it will return
{price:[* TO 500]=1, price:[500 TO 1000]=2, price:[1000 TO *]=6}
price:[* TO 500] -- found -- 1
price:[500 TO 1000] -- found -- 2
price:[1000 TO *] -- found -- 6
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